Western DuPage Chamber of Commerce

"An August Art Frolic" Brings the Beauty of Nature Indoors to Gallery 200
West Chicago, Illinois: July 29, 2011 – Lois Easley intends to bring the beauty of nature to the people during her month-long exhibit, “An August Art Frolic,” at Gallery 200, 200 Main Street, West Chicago......

Host Families Needed!
West Chicago Sister Cities is in need of host families for our guests from our sister city of Taufkirchen (Vils), Germany...

Unique Opportunities for Children at NEW Children's Center
When your first child is born, often as a parent you wonder where the handbook is that tells you need to know to raise them. As much...

Park District seeks volunteers for Day of Service
Families, friends, and youth and community groups are invited to join the West Chicago Park District on Saturday, Sept. 24, 9 a.m. to noon at...